The main objective of the forum is to facilitate communication and sustained exchange of information and ideas among key stakeholders dealing with climate change issues to promote coherence and collective efforts. The forum will not only provide a neutral space for discussion about issues of climate change in Bhutan and beyond but also an opportunity to share knowledge, exchange experiences and ideas, have informed debates, and build partnerships in developing climate-resilient legislation, policies, and strategies.  In particular, this forum will bring together national stakeholders and renowned international scholars—ecologists, political scientists, climate scientists, public health experts, legal experts, and other scholars to discuss and educate stakeholders and citizens on the impacts of climate change and solutions to climate issues.

The Forum will continue to explore and discuss emerging issues concerning climate change including unequal distribution of the harms caused by climate change (justice concerns), innovative solutions to climate-related problems, lessons learned, and national and international good practices in tackling climate issues. In particular, the forum will focus on exchanging ideas on developing climate-resilient policy and the legal framework to promote innovative climate solutions, equitable distribution of climate harms, and technology transfer, and to bridge economic, environmental and social divides (both domestic and global).

To enable timely communication and exchange of ideas, it is JSW Law’s goal to organize the Forum at least biennially. To ensure inclusive participation, the Forum will be made accessible to wider individuals and groups by smart usages of technology—adopting a blended mechanism (making the Forum accessible virtually for participants not able to attend in-person).

Three Key Strategies

Connection, Communication and Collaboration


Creating a space that enables people to connect within and across boundaries: Connecting local, national, regional and global institutions, leaders and experts for collective climate action.


Facilitating evidence-based interdisciplinary conversation: Encouraging local and global exchanges of ideas, knowledge and experiences in matters relating to climate change concerns.


Facilitating collaborative efforts against the threat of climate change transcending national borders: Encouraging collaboration by facilitating networking and exchanges of ideas, knowledge and experiences across borders.