Human-induced climate change stands as the foremost threat to the global ecosystem. The shared aspiration of limiting global warming and attaining a climate-neutral world by the mid-21st century necessitates a significant escalation in collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Local, national, regional, and global cooperation is imperative to achieve the collective goal of curbing global warming. However, reality diverges from this aspiration. Even in Bhutan, where efforts to maintain carbon neutrality shape governmental decisions, disjointed public and private programs addressing climate change persist. His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck's insights, expressed in the civil service reform Kasho, underscore the challenge of agencies pursuing isolated sectoral objectives, leading to inefficient service delivery. The sidelining of communication and coordination exacerbates this issue, driven by the pursuit of autonomy by different agencies. His Majesty's decree emphasizes the intertwining of Bhutan's future with regional and global developments, emphasizing the necessity of cross-sectoral communication, information exchange, and collective action. These concerns highlight the imperative for multi-sectoral collaboration and knowledge sharing to achieve common goals.

Therefore, JSW Law’s Climate Change & Environmental Law Centre, through the Paro Forum, serves as an interdisciplinary platform to facilitate communication and information sharing among national bodies, entities dealing with climate change issues, and interdisciplinary climate experts both within and outside Bhutan.

Founding Sponsors