The Paro Forum will take place from 22-24 February 2025 to coincide with the Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, and the Foundation Day of the Law School. The Forum will bring together participants from government agencies, non-governmental organizations, national and international policy or decision-making bodies, civil society organizations, the private sector, youths, and interdisciplinary climate and environmental experts.

The Forum will have eleven (11) sessions stretched over three (3) days. These sessions will involve discussions on various topics relating to water management and climate change facilitated by enthusiastic and expert moderators

09.00Welcome and Opening
1. Lighting of butter lamp, Marchang and Opening prayer
2. Welcome  
3. Vote of Thanks
11.30Session One: Keynote Panel
14.00Session Two: Academic Panel: The Science of Climate Change
 1. Droughts and floods
2. Water Scarcity – Questions of Distribution
3. Groundwater Contamination
4. Glacial Melt
16.00Session Three:  Royal Society for Protection of Nature
 Wetland restoration in conserving the habitats of the White Bellied Heron and Protecting the environment
09.30Session Four: Water User Group Spotlight: “Community Champions: Empowering Sustainable Water Usage in Bhutan”
 1. Desung Water project
2. Water for Women Bhutan
3. Tarayana
4. Paro District Administration
5. Bhutan Water Partnership
11.30Session Five: Funders Panel “Investing in Water: Exploring Opportunities for Resilience”
 1. UNDP
2. WWF-Bhutan
4. Bhutan Trust fund
5. Bhutan for Life
14.00Session Six: Student Showcase: “Innovation in Action: Commercializing Water in Bhutan” (Privatisation of Water)
 1. Climate Change and Environmental Law Clinic
2. Human dignity Clinic
3. Entrepreneurism and Technology Clinic
16.00Session Seven: Documentary Screening and Discussion: “Glacial Perspectives: Exploring the Frozen Frontiers
 1. Screening of “Bhutan Mountain Man: video diaries from a lone glaciologist.”
2. In conversation with Phuntsho Tshering, Bhutan’s Glacier specialist and Arrun Battarai, the filmmaker.
09.30Session Eight: Seven years on – Revisiting the National Water Symposium
 Department of Water, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
11.30Session Nine:  Hydro Panel
14.00Session Ten: Stakeholders Meeting: “Charting the Course: Collaborative Strategies for Water Conservation and Climate Resilience”
 Conclusion of key insights and strategies.
17.00Session Eleven: Closing & Prayer